
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid


We work hard to protect our city’s native flora & fauna…

The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is an invasive pest that feeds on hemlock trees. Infested trees can be easily recognized by the adelgid's small white clusters around the base of the tree's needles.

Once an infestation is established, most trees die within 4-10 years.
Treatments by a licensed professional should be performed to protect the tree.

How to treat hemlock trees?

If you’ve got Hemlock trees that might be infested with the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, call us or schedule a free consultation. We’ll assess the trees on your property, and decide whether a preventive or corrective treatment should be performed.

We have a licensed forestry pest technician on staff with deep experience, and can account for tree health, local ecosystem concerns, and soil composition when treating your trees.


Can I treat my hemlock trees myself (DIY)?

You’re legally permitted to apply many pesticides on your own property, but the instructions on the label must be followed. Most products sold at hardware stores are not labeled for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid treatment and should not be applied.

Specialized knowledge and equipment is needed to treat Hemlock Woolly Adelgids in a safe and effective way.
Many homeowners have attempted to treat their trees without specialized equipment, and have not been successful.

Improper treatment can lead to prolonged infestation, death of non-target species and even tree death.
If you’ve tried and failed to DIY, we can probably still help.

Preventive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment

If a tree is recently infested or not affected by HWA, preventive treatments may be performed by soil injection.
Preventive treatments are typically effective for 5-7 years.

Corrective Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment

If a hemlock tree is severely infested, a corrective treatment may be needed. This treatment acts quickly to eradicate adelgids from the tree, but is typically effective for 2-3 years.

How much does treatment cost?

Treatment costs include a follow up inspection (1 year after treatment) to ensure the health of your trees. Cost per tree depends on the size and health of the tree, but is often less expensive than professional removal of dead trees.

When should you treat your hemlock trees?

Preventive treatments are often performed in the spring for maximum effectiveness. Depending on tree health, other times of year may be recommended.

If this page doesn’t answer your questions, call us at 423-771-9393 or schedule a free inspection online.